Customizable text header when using expander-card in Home Assistant

A small tip for those using custom:expander-card in Home Assistant. The title-field doesn’t support formatting, it seems. But you can solve this using the title-card property.



Code example:

type: custom:expander-card
padding: 0
clear: true
title-card-button-overlay: true
title-card-clickable: true
expanded: false
  type: markdown
  content: "**Example title**"

Fixing default browser bug in GNOME vs KDE

I found there are slight differences in how GNOME and KDE handle the default browser for URLs.

In this case, I had cloned the Firefox .desktop file and (probably by my mistake) the section [Desktop Action new-private-window] was above [Desktop Entry]. This worked fine in KDE, but didn’t work for GNOME nor for Flatpaks.

One way to observe this was:

$ gio mime x-scheme-handler/https firefox-2.desktop
gio: Failed to load info for handler "firefox-2.desktop"

The solution was simple, [Desktop Entry] must come before [Desktop Action new-private-window].

You can confirm that the right browser is now set using gio open

Elasticsearch alert template for Fluentd with Kubernetes

When creating alerts in Elasticsearch for Fluentd and Kubernetes data, I find the following alert template useful:

Elasticsearch query alert '{{alertName}}' is active:

- Value: {{context.value}}
- Conditions Met: {{context.conditions}} over {{params.timeWindowSize}}{{params.timeWindowUnit}}
- Timestamp: {{}}
- Link: {{}}

- {{context.hits.0._source.kubernetes.namespace_name}}
- {{context.hits.0._source.kubernetes.pod_name}}
- {{context.hits.0._source.log}}

(The “Hits” part is new.)

Markdown bookmarklets in the browser

Copy the current URL as a markdown link:

javascript:(function(){navigator.clipboard.writeText('[' + document.title + '](' + document.location.href + ')').catch((error) => { alert(`Copy failed! ${error}`); }); })();

Copy the current email as a markdown link:

javascript:(function() { navigator.clipboard.writeText('[Mail: ' + document.getElementsByClassName("allowTextSelection")[0].title + '](' .concat(window.location.href.split("/id/")[1]) .concat('&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem') + ')').catch((error) => { alert(`Copy failed! ${error}`); }); ;})()

These bookmarklets are useful to copy links into your Markdown editors such as Logseq, Obsidian, Joplin, etc.

Logseq query exclude templates

Assuming you’ve put your templates on a page named “templates”, use this as part of your :where:

[?b :block/page ?bp]
[?bp :block/name ?pn]
[(not= ?pn "templates")]