Transferring 4K video files from a Sony action cam (FDR-X3000) to an iPhone

When using Sony action cameras that are capable of recording in the XAVC-S format (e.g. FDR-X3000), especially in 4K, it is not immediately obvious how to transfer these files to an iPhone.

When using the Sony PlayMemories app, the option to transfer the files to the iPhone is grayed out (the middle icon in the below toolbar):

The solution is to use a different app, namely the Sony “Action Cam” app. In this app, click “Import”:

Then you will find that if you select a file, it will now even import 4K:


Note: in this approach the downloaded file will be downscaled, and you won’t have the full 4K video on your iPhone. However, this downscaled video can be useful for sharing on social media.

If you want full quality 4K transferred to the iPhone, you have this remaining option (besides using a PC, of course), which is to use the Leef dongle that has a micro SD card reader for iPhone. (If you have a recent iPhone that supports 4K.)

Note that the Leef will also work for A7 cameras, but it only has a micro SD card slot, so you’ll need an adapter.

B-24 ‘Liberator’ bomber dive site, Togean Islands

One of the fascinating dive spots near the Togean Islands, Sulawesi, is the wreck of a B-24 ‘Liberator‘ bomber.
Photo’s of the full crash report can be found at Kadidiri Paradise. I’ve included them here for those that are interested in history:

The wreck lies roughly at a depth of 15 to 25 meters.
It had rained heavily the night before we dove and the visibility was poor. Nonetheless, it was a very interesting dive. The site is home to a lot of lion fishes, so be careful.

Lombok to Flores by boat (Indonesia)

Download file: Flores boat combined.gpx

Some very rough notes if you are considering the Komodo boat trips from Lombok to Flores. This information stems from November 2015 (I am late in writing this post 🙂 ).

  • Most ticket offices asked around 1.7M IDR, but you can haggle to 1.5M IDR. I’ve also seen 1.4M IDR advertised at Kidi’s homestay at Gili T. This was in “off-season” Nov/Dec 2015. Your mileage may vary.
  • There are multiple boats/companies offering this tour (including more luxurious ones). This post describes the budget backpacker variant; there are multiple operators you can choose from.
  • Food is included in the ticket as well as entry for the Komodo park (including guides).
  • We were with 14 tourists on the boat. This was a good balance between having a fun group and not being too overcrowded.
  • The boat sails during the day as well as through the night. During the day it stops at predetermined spots so you can get off board for activities.
  • Don’t expect the mattresses that you will sleep to be clean. Obviously, this all depends on how luxurious you book your trip.

Day one:

  • 8 o’ clock at the harbor at Gili T, where at 08:30 a connecting boat departed for Lombok. (This depends on from where you set out for your trip.)
  • We met there at a cafe/restaurant of the company. Note that this is the place where you can buy provisions for the trip (e.g. beer).
  • The owner of the company said that if his crew tries to scam you then you can call him and he provided his number. 🙂
  • We left the restaurant for the boat around 10:30.
  • The boat will stop once for dinner, but otherwise keeps on sailing continuously.

Day two:

  • When you wake up, you will find that the boat has stopped off the coast at Moyo Island (Pulau Mojo). You can go on-land to visit a small waterfall.
  • Later in the day you will visit Pulau Satonde (the boat stops here about two hours).

Day three:

  • When you wake up, you will find that the boat is sailing to Gili Lawadarat. Here you can take an iconic picture (see below).
  • Later in the day they will stop at another point in Komodo where you can snorkel some more.
  • You can also visit the local village. In the evening the boat will park near the bats mangroves (you will see them flying out in the evening).

Day four:

  • You will visit the main Komodo island to see the dragons. Be careful if the crew tries to scam you and claim that you need to pay extra for the guides in the park.
  • Later in the day you will visit Rinca island as well. Here you can see some more dragons as well as visit some nice viewpoints.
  • You’ll make one more stop at a nice beach halfway Rinca and Labuan Bajo.
  • Disembark in the afternoon at Labuan Bajo.

Miscellaneous notes:

  • We rented a scooter in Labuan Bajo for driving over the island from west to east. We paid 75k IDR for a 125cc bike.
  • Something else that we discovered in Indonesia: you can pay for Lion Air tickets in some of the supermarkets. This came as a relief for us since we had booked a ticket for departure the next day and they would not accept credit cards on such short notice. (We noticed this in Medan, Sumatra.)

Komodo park:

Schönbrunn luggage storage

Earlier this year I couldn’t quickly find online whether the Schönbrunn palace in Vienna has a luggage storage. A post from 2010 was saying no.

So if you end up here after googling this question: I visited Schönbrunn in October 2016 and I can confirm that they now have luggage storage.